The Leaves they are a changin'.
And the weather is getting cold...bah! We managed to move up to NY just in time for winter, my LEAST favorite season.
On a completely differant note, I have been thinking about my jewelry lately. Since we've moved up here, I have been making some pieces, and as I was taking pictures the other day to update my ETSY store, I realized I was profoundly unhappy with the direction my jewelry has been going. They are not BAD pieces, mind you...just not what I picture in my head when I think about my "style" of jewelry crafting. After some thinking I realize what the problem is. Back in PA I had my own glass studio. If I needed a bead in a certain size/shape to complete a piece, I could just go make it.
Granted, even after a year, I was still a VERY beginnner glassworker. Glass takes a very long time to learn and become proficient with. But still, now I have very generic beads, and in turn I am putting out very generic jewelry. Obviously, right now I have neither the time nor space to recreate my studio from PA.
I happened to be browsing some of my favorite bead websites when I saw this catalog cover piece:
THIS looks like what I want to be able to put out! Something COMPELETELY unique, stylized and vibrant. I found out this is mostly made with polymer I've ordered some lol. I know that I'm back to square one, learning a new medium...but I need to be able to express my own style in my jewelry if I am ever going to be happy with it. Plus, clay is much more space and time friendly than glass. Now comes the hardest part, waiting for the delivery from the beadsite! (always the worst part!)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Oh, and I forgot:
For ANYONE who reads this and has a Nintento DS you MUST get Scribblenauts!
No matter how cool it looks on the site, I can tell you it is infinitely more cool! We're fighting over the DS to play it lol.
The truth about kittens.....
So my mother runs a cat rescue group called wayward paws ( A few weeks ago she got a group of three kittens who were very young, and needed round-the-clock-care. So, since she's working, driving out to see grandpa at the nursing home everyday, and generally running around like a chicken with her head cut off, I volunteered to take care of them. The first week was rough...we had to bottle feed them every two hours around the clock. Plus, while cats are very tidy and clean creatures, young kittns poop on everything, including we were scrubbing poop off them several times a day, too. They're down to a few bottles a day, supplimented by canned food ( which stinks, and makes their poo stink, too). I don't remember where I read it, but I remember hearing somewhere that young animals are cute because otherwise their parents wouldn't put all the effort into taking care of their needy-arses. Man, I agree with that! Plus, after seeing how they crod and bite and claw at my hands and bottle at feeding time, I have decided that the worst job in the world is to be a mother cat!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Goin' to the Fair.
So Last tuesday we went to the Great New York State Fair. Matt and Sara had never been to a state fair, and it was LOTS of fun (though Matt complained about the overpriced food and games...I probably should've warned him).
Matt and Sara in the Dairy building (where we got some NUMMY ice cream).
We saw a lot of livestock. Sara loved the rabbits and chickens, and I was happy because it was Draft Horse day at the horse show ( I LOOOVE draft horses!)
Sara was upset because we missed all the Duck Races, but she liked the birds of Prey exhibit near the center of the fair. We looked for Jen's work in the arts and crafts displays but all we saw were quilts (Jen later told us we had to go up to the 3rd floor..we'll know for next year).
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Big Ol' Update