Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Goin' to the Fair.

So Last tuesday we went to the Great New York State Fair. Matt and Sara had never been to a state fair, and it was LOTS of fun (though Matt complained about the overpriced food and games...I probably should've warned him).

We decided to park and ride from Shoppingtown Mall rather than pay 10 bucks and fight traffic by parking at the fair....if you look closely you can see the line wrapping around the parking lot for everyone waiting for the bus behind Matt (we're at the end of the line...of course!)

Matt and Sara in the Dairy building (where we got some NUMMY ice cream).

We saw a lot of livestock. Sara loved the rabbits and chickens, and I was happy because it was Draft Horse day at the horse show ( I LOOOVE draft horses!)

Sara got to hold a chick at the Youth building (Where we also picked up some info on getting her into 4-H if she wants to).

Sara was upset because we missed all the Duck Races, but she liked the birds of Prey exhibit near the center of the fair. We looked for Jen's work in the arts and crafts displays but all we saw were quilts (Jen later told us we had to go up to the 3rd floor..we'll know for next year).

After some really good, really greasy, and really expensive food we headed over to the midway where Sara had a ball spending $15 to win a small rubber ball and a tiny stuffed fish. Then she went on the rides :-).

Her favorite was the Giant-Plastic-Slide-you-Ride-on-a-Carpet-Down. She also wanted to go through one of the funhouses..I was surprised when she went all the way through all on her own.
Some Fried-dough-with-apples and a short walk later and it was back on the bus to go home. We had a great time, though next year, I want to spend more time watching the horses, no matter how muh Sara and Matt complain.


At 11:26 PM , Blogger Bo Bemis said...

Looks like you all had a great time.

Yeah, I logged in my livejournal after about, oh, a year or so of not even looking at it. Clicked on your name and your last post was about making a new blog over here. So I went over there and looked, and had to start my own in order to comment. :) Which is fine, I should try and write more anyway.

I can't believe how big Sara has gotten. Of course, then I remember she was born in 2000, or 2001 was it?

Sorry to hear about Matt losing his job. Been there, and it's rough.


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