Finally finished and mailed out my beads for the Love is in the Air glass exchange. It was a lot of fun, and I've already signed up for the Depths of Winter exchange. Though this one is giving me a bit more of a problem. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for my winter-themed beads that is both unique and within my modest skill. Since I actually have a month for this one, I may just go into the studio and play around, see what happens.
Matt was working from home yesterday, so I could take the car into the shop. We have an oil leak somewhere, so they put dye in the oil, and I have to go back Friday to see if they can find the leak. Since inspection is due at the end of the month, if they can't fix it friday, we prett much have 2 options. 1. Leave it at the dealership until they CAN fix it or 2. drive around and risk getting a ticket :-/.
We got a few inches of snow last night, so Sara has a snow day much for getting anything done. I REALLY need to do some laundry and dishes.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009
Well, this morning I woke with one heck of a headache. After everyone left for the day (Matt to work and Sara to school) I took some aleve and went back to bed. I slept through the alarm going off at 9, and woke some time around 10:30 (still with a headache) SO, I took a few more aleve and when I woke at noon, I could at least function. I took the car into the shop, hoping to get the inspection done before the end of this month, but the check engine light came on (again...I've been trying to get the car inspected since the end of december). So, I had to make an appontment on tuesday to take it into the dealership to be repaired before it can pass inspection. When I got home, Sara was there, and fairly upset. Seems she had a 1/2 day of school today (I could have sworn it was NEXT friday) and had come home while I was gone. I settled her down, gave her a snack, and now she and one of her little friends from next door are playing upstairs happily.
I really wanted to get some studio time in (despite the cold weather..though it was up to 50 today). There's a Valentine's Heart Glass exchange going on in the WetCanvass glass forum that I'd like to be a part of (though I'm not signing up officially till I have the pieces done....I've nevr done hearts before and the deadline is next weeek lol). Maybe since I slept in so late this morning, I can get some studio time in late tonight...we'll see.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well, I'm a few weeks late in my New Year's Resolution to start blogging again, but better late than never. I'm moving over here from livejournal, so we'll see how it goes.
Now that Sara is back in school after Christmas break, I FINALLY have some time to work on my jewelry again. I've gotten a couple pieces done that I'm quite proud of, I just need to get some decent photos of them now. I really want to get back into the studio and do some glasswork, but we had a cold snap this week..and since (with the vent on and the window open for make-up-air) my studio is the same temperature as the air outside, I go into the studio and turn right back out :-). Well, spring can't be THAT far away, can it?
In other new, I happen to be at PetSmart the other day, just browsing and I ended up picking up a copy of DOGS USA (which I haven't read in years). Browsing through it, I noticed there were quite a few ads in the back for French Bulldog kennels Growing up my dream was to own a frenchie, and I may get one someday (Though right now, Matt, Sara and I try to go walking as often as we can which means a couple miles in state parks in the summer...something I don't think a frenchie could handle in the heat we see here). Anyhow, I went over to the AKC website, and was surprised to see Frenchies have movied up in the populatity rankings quite a bit in the past decade. ( There's a big 4-day dog show here in York in mid-March I want to go to, though I've learned that if I want to be able to go and enjoy myself, Matt and Sara stay home (for some reason they get bored and figity watching dogs run in circles for hours). My big goal this summer is to do at least some obediance training with our two pups.... at 6 and 11 pounds respectively, it's not the disaster that an untrained rottie or great dane can be, but I really should have done it with them when they were younger, and it's something I enjoy doing. Plus, Matt wants them to know at least basic commands, which I think is reasonable.