This was a very nice week. Mom and Bob were out of town for the beginning of the week, and Sara spent Sunday night at a friend's house at a sleepover. So Matt and I had a ncie quiet Valentine's day. We rented a movie (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, which was very sappy and romantic). I made roasted fingerling potatoes and my first attempt at Beef Wellington ( The pastry came out a bit soggy, but other than that it was really realy good!
I started my new job interning at the Pulminary Phsician's Group in Syracuse, and I LOVE it. The job is interesting, and the women in the office I work with are incredably patient with my constant questions, and great to be around. I'll be interning there at least until I take my certification test on the 6th of March. After that, I'll be in job search mode (but still working there 'till I find something permenant).
I did actually have time to do some clay work this week. I finished a cute little lizard necklace, which I think I may keep for myself, since a few of his toes got a bit darkened in the kiln.