It's been a nice week. We went walking at a few more parks and we spent Thursday night watching movies and putting together a puzzle.
I used to do puzzles all the time when I was younger, but haven't done one in years. In fact, in April when I helped my mom clean out the attic we found a whole bunch of my old puzzles I had finished and framed.
In other good news, Matt got a callback from a company in CT. They saw his resume on monster and called to have a 2 hour phone interview. They were impressed with what he had to say, so they want him to come in next week for a face-to-face interview. I've never been to CT, but it seems like a nice place, so that may be our next home if this works out.
This week I plan on going up for a day at Canoe Creek state park, which has one of the largest bat colonies in PA, and on summer evenings you can watch them come out :-). I've wanted to see them for awhile now, and depending on how stuff works out we may be moving soon, so I want to get up there before I miss my chance.
That's great! I've been to Connecticut a few times- mostly the southern section that runs from Stamford down Cos Cob way, towards NYC. That part is VERY suburban/built up, lots of NYC commuters and such, but I've heard the northern sections are very New England-y and rural idilic (did I spell 'idilic' right?). Fingers crossed!
Jen :o)
P.S.- I love puzzles too... but I have no room to spread them out!
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