It was back to Gifford-Pinchot Saturday (this time I DID remember the camera!). Sara and Matt started out the trip by spending a few hours fishing, while Ladybird and I were content to sit on the other side of the trail and read (the area areound the lake was absolutely COVERED in goose poop, so we had to keep well away from it to prevent a certain naughty puppy from eating and/or rolling in it...yuck!

Matt caught a large stick, but that was about it. Since we were sitting near the beginning of one of the hiking paths, Ladybird got to meet everyone who walked by, which made her day :-).
Her watching the path for more friends.

After that we went on a walk along a differant section of the lakeside trail. The lake was full of sailboats, they were like bright butterflies on the water.

We also saw some basking platforms full of turtles!

The honeysuckle was in full bloom, and you could smell it during the whole walk.

And at the end of the path, Sara found this really red-colored toad which she INSISTED I take a picture of lol.

Then we packed up and came home (ladybird collapsed on our bed with her favorite Sock Monkey).

Aw, every puppy should have a favorite sock monkey. My dog, Oliver has about a dozen of them! Of course, living on Sock Monkey Ranch makes it easy to have lots of favorite sock monkeys!
Your day looked wonderful. Love the photos and wish I had been there to smell the honeysuckle...I love that fragrance.
Thanks for sharing,
Granny Jan
Resident Grandma at Sock Monkey Ranch
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