Monday, March 09, 2009

Gotta love spring weather...last weekend it was bitterly cold and we had 6 inches of snow, this weekend it's been sunny and in the mid 60's. My pussywillow is starting to bud and my crocuses are coming up, winter can't last much longer!

Ladybird is doing great, though it's been 10 years since we've had a puppy. I'd forgotten how much "fun" housebreaking and puppy-proofing everything can be lol. I took her out when I ran some errands on saturday...she got to go to the comic store, the pool supply store, and then to PetCo. Everyone thought she was SO cute, and it's good socilazation for her. Eventually I'd like to take a few obediance classes with her, and maybe register her with the UKC (they allow limited registration for mixed-breeds) so we can do some obediance competition. I remember doing it when I was younger, and it was always so much fun. We'll see :-).

Sara is off school today, so when I get the last of my housework done, I told her we could do some baking together. She has a children's cookbook that Babbaci gave her, and she's really excited to start doing some cooking.


At 1:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Mel! :o)

How is everything? How is Miss Ladybird?




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