Tuesday, December 01, 2009

We've just gotten back from spending Thanksgiving in PA with Matt's family. While the holidays are a time of getting together with family, I really don't want to do that again unless I have large quantities of highly illegal narcotics. Going into detail would take pages and pages, but suffice to say that having 4 adults and 3 kids under 5 all living in very close quarters, none of whom agree on how to raise/discipline said children makes for very tense and confrontational times.

We got back Saturday and then did a small family Thanksgiving with Mom, Bob, Matt, Sara and myself. Everything came out great. I did a roast turkey (we will be eating it for DAYS), both vegetable and my apple-cashew stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and apple/caramel and pear/vanilla/cinnamon tarts. Thank goodness Matt and Mom stayed home from church to help me! I had them chopping and peeling...without them it would have taken a LOT longer to get everything together. I want to try and do a goose for christmas (another one of those never tried it, but I want to be able to say I've done it at least once things).

I also need to work out better time management. I have SO many things I want (and have) to do. It seems everyday I wake up, and only a few hours later, it's time to go to bed..where has the time gone and what have I done with it??? I'm planning on sitting down and getting some sort of schedule down on paper. I need to set aside time for things like my clay, or it will just NEVER happen. Especially once I finish my class and get a "real" job I'm going to have even LESS time available.


At 7:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!

I know what you mean about time. It just disappears...zzzzip...



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